In December 2018, the gaming community tragically lost a good friend, Jerry Stefek, to cancer. Jerry was an avid gamer, history buff, re-enactor and father. His love of his friends and hobbies was always evident in his words and actions. Jerry’s friends in the Midwest would like to do some Good works in his memory and raise money for cancer research and patient assistance… Enter: The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure!
Thank you for visiting, and we look forward to your tournament play at our Gamehole Con event or joining us online for some streaming raucous entertainment with your favorite fantasy roleplaying games at Ethermeet in December! Our sponsors are stoutly behind your donations at either of the events with give-aways and prizes to players and donors. Come on out to do Good in Jerry’s name for the victims of this horrible and draining disease. ALL donations go to the American Cancer Society!
The Jerry Stefek Memorial Crawl for the Cure is a fun series of events benefiting the battle for the treatments and cures for cancer and providing life-saving information for victims and all individuals for prevention and coping. Please join us to Do Good in providing funding for this most worthy cause. Thank you!